How to get from the town of Fira to the port of Athinios (Santorini port) :
The distance from the town of Fira to the port of Athinios is 7.5 km. Options are by bus, taxi, private car or shuttle service, and private transfer. Generally, taking the bus is the easiest and cheapest option (less than 3 €). In case you take your vehicle on ship, you can explore the island of Thirasia by reaching the port of Riva.
How to get from the town of Fira to the port of Fira (Old port):
You have two transfer options, you can either take a cable car or a donkey ride. Donkey ride will take around 35 minutes and costs 5€. The cable car takes only 13 minutes and also costs 5€.
On Saturdays you have the option of a day-trip from Santorini to Thirasia. Vessel stays at Korfos for 3 hours & 10 min.